Gourmet Floral Meltaway Tart Aromas

What makes a Bella Grace candle so good?

Breeze Meltaway
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Breeze Meltaway
Light and fresh top notes of lily, freesia and jasmine reveal a classic velvety middle of amber with a warm nuzzly vanilla.  
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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By The Sea Meltaway By The Sea Meltaway
A fresh floral, watery seashore with a hint of spring gardenias. 
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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Clean Cotton Meltaway
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Clean Cotton Meltaway
A fresh clean cotton scent reminiscent of breeze dried linens. 
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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Country Meadow Meltaway
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Country Meadow Meltaway
Pronounced overtones of cucumber and sweet grasses come through in the very clean and airy scent along with juicy ripe honeydew and cantaloupe. "The hills are alive with the sound of music!!" 
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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Gardenia Meltaway
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Gardenia Meltaway
A fresh green dewy bouquet of fragrant white Gardenias. 
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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Honeysuckle Meltaway
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Honeysuckle Meltaway
Early morning dew with the delightful honeysuckle scent of yellow. 
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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Moonlight Path Meltaway
Moonlight Path Meltaway
A delicate floral bouquet reminiscent of a sultry moonlight walk through the garden. 
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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Raspberry Violet Meltaway
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Raspberry Violet Meltaway
A tangy, yet mellow combination of berries and blooming floral. 
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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Sweet Pea Meltaway
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Sweet Pea Meltaway
A spring fresh bouquest with a top-note reminiscent of watery-green leaves, lily of the valley jasmine and summer melon.
All meltaways on sale - $2.59!
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What are our Floral Bella Grace Meltaway Tarts All About?...

Well first question... What the heck are gourmet meltaways?

Answer: They are smaller and scaled down versions of our fabulous jar candle fragrances. They come packaged in our plastic clamshells to keep sealed and safe while shipping. You can simply break the meltaway tart into chunks and put them in the warmer of your choice. Tarts are also the best flameless alternative to complete therapeutic bliss by being a great drawer scent so everytime you open that drawer your room fills with a gourmet aroma.

Secondly: Our floral meltaways are one in a kind! Wish spring was here already? The fresh sprinkle of 'country meadow' or 'gardenia' in your drawer and everytime you open that drawer your room will smell like a warm spring day or even mid summertime day. Such a great gift idea that anyone can enjoy. Have a question? Don't hesitate to contact us today.

Buy one for yourself, your friends and relatives. Don't forget to try and create your own scent!

  1. Are available in all of the same great fragrances as our famous jar candles.

  2. An excellent, aromatic and flameless alternative to candles.

  3. Bring out the best of all meltaway/tart warmers.

  4. Can be melted together to create your own signature fragrances. 

  5. Can be used as a drawer scent.

  6. Somewhere where you can't burn candles? Mom won't let you burn one in your room? Dorm? Simply put a few of these in your warmers or sitting out in your room and it will smell fabulous!

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